Do you need competent and objective feedback on your work in politics, business or cooperative projects in the developing economies of Africa?
Is your publication looking for a contribution about an Africa-related topic from an expert who is both eloquent and experienced?
Are you an executive who wants a better grasp of the specific ways in which your employees of African origin perceive, think, feel and act, so as to realize the untapped potential within them?
Whatever your needs the Africa expert Michael Obert is the ideal person to guide you. With unparalleled passion and commitment he has explored the African continent for more than two decades, earning a reputation as one of the most renowned European reporters of foreign affairs.
He has spoken with Nelson Mandela about the end of apartheid, traveled for seven months from the source of the Niger to its delta, followed the trail of the terror groups Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab in West and East Africa, and for years he has investigated African routes of migration to Europe.
Michael Obert has profound expertise and knowledge of Africa as well as trusted and established contacts across the entire continent. As a trainer of intercultural communication and competence and a certified life coach, he brings passion and specific knowledge to the table. He will give you the tools to interact with African people and cultures and achieve mutually satisfying outcomes, allowing you to lay long-lasting foundations for the success of your company, project or other enterprise.

Refugees and migrants from Africa to Europe: reasons for flight, migration routes, kidnappers, human-trafficking.
Climate change in Africa.
Terrorism in Africa, organized crime, human rights.
Natural resources in Africa – curse or blessing: oil, diamonds, gold, copper, ore, wool, cacao, coffee, tea, water, abundance of natural species/ivory

One-to-one intercultural coaching for politicians and executives
Workshop: intercultural communication and competence, focus on Africa (small groups)
Michael Obert’s values in dealing with people – regardless of their origin, skin color or religion – are based on the principle of communication on equal terms and include integrity, sincerity, fairness and openness, as well as a kind regard for people and a straightforward approach to human interaction.
He rejects the exploitation of nations, people and the environment. All participants will benefit from his dedication and will themselves contribute to the sustainable development of local, regional and national communities, learning in the process to reconcile economic, ecological, social and cultural goals.